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Adapun produk Laboratorium Lingkungan meliputi :

Laboratorium Air : Water Test Kits, pH meters, Ion meters, ORP meters (Redox), Conductivity meters, Dissolved oxygen meters (DO), Hygrometers, Salinity, Turbidity, Thermometers, total Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solid, Spectro, Photometer, BOD COD, Thermoreactor. dll

Laboratorium Udara : Alat Uji Emisi Kendaraan , Alat Uji Emisi Cerobong Pabrik , Genset Boiler , Ketel Uap dan Turbin , HVAC , Alat Ukur Debu , Portable Gas detector , Indoor Air Quality , High Volume Air Sampler , Anemometer, Anemomaster , Climomaster , Airflow Meter , Air Velocity , Hotwire Anemomaster. dll

Laboratorium Suara/Kebisingan : Noise Meter, Dosimeter , Sound Level Meter , Sound Analyzer .

Laboratorium Getaran: Vibro meter , , Triaxlial Vibration, Monoxial Vibration.

Laboratorium Tanah: Soil Test Kits, pH, Lime requirement, Nitrate Nitrogen, Phosphate Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Ammonia Nitrogen, Chloride, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Sulphate, Conductivity, Alat Pemantuan Sumur Resapan

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Home » , » Cesva Instruments Vibration Alat Ukur Getaran (VC431)

Cesva Instruments Vibration Alat Ukur Getaran (VC431)

The Vibration Meter Model VC431 is a Triaxial vibrometer, in accordance with the regulation ISO 8041, and is the ideal instrument for vibration measurements in line with Directive 2002/44/EC on risks arising from the exposure of workers to mechanical vibration. The VC431 can also evaluate the effect of vibration on the structure of buildings and the terrain (UNE 22-381-93 and DIN 4150-3).
The VC431 is a user-friendly instrument (visual structure of menus with icons), with a single range (no changes of scale) and simultaneous measurement and display of all parameters for each application. With the CESVA Capture Studio software (included) the measurements carried out with the VC431 can be downloaded (USB) and the results analyzed quickly and simply.
Its reduced weight, versatility and user-friendliness make it the hand-held instrument par excellence for the assessment of risks related to vibration.
Product Highlights:
» Vibrometer in line with ISO 8041
» Measures all parameters simultaneously for each application (HA, WB, Buildings and Structure)
» Single measurement scale, irrespective of the application (HA, WB, Buildings and Structure)
» Great storage capacity; saves the time history of the measurement
» Download port and powering by USB
» Projection of parameters; assessment of exposure to vibration for measurement times inferior to exposure time
» Software: CESVA Capture Studio and CESVA Studio Editor
Applications for VC431:
» Industrial Hygiene: Occupational hygiene has always been one of the most important preventative sciences, due to the risks that physical agents such as noise or vibration pose for workers’ health.
» Vibration measurements: Vibration can be understood as repetitive oscillations or movements of an object around a position of equilibrium. It may be divided into desired and undesired vibration.
Supplied accessories:
» FN431: Case
» SFT030: Cesva Capture Studio software
» CN1US: USB cable with mini-USB connector
Standard Regulation:
» EN ISO 8041:2005 Vibrometer
» ISO 8041:2005/Cor1:2007 Vibrometer
Product :