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Home » , » Cesva Instruments Vibration Meter Alat Ukur Getaran (SC310-VM)

Cesva Instruments Vibration Meter Alat Ukur Getaran (SC310-VM)

The module for vibration measurements of the SC310 sound level meter adds 2 measurement modes; human exposure to whole-body vibration in buildings mode and FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) narrow band frequency analysis for vibration.
The “Human exposure to whole-body vibration in buildings” mode of the SC310 includes a new mode for measuring structural vibration to which human beings are exposed in buildings. This new mode VIBRATION has been designed according to ISO 2631-2:2003 and along with the preamplifier PA001 and the accelerometer converts the SC310 into a human vibration-measuring instrument according to ISO 8041. (The module for vibration measurements does not include accelerometer).
This new mode consists of 3 screens. The first one shows a 1/3 octave band real time spectrum analysis from 1 Hz to 80 Hz, showing the acceleration information in linear [m/s2] and logarithmic numerical values [dB referred to 10-6 m/s2]. The Second one shows this spectral information in graphic format and also gives the evaluation of the multiplying factor K according to the old ISO 2631-2:1989. The third screen shows linear and logarithmic overall values of acceleration evaluation parameters such as aWm, peak, crest factor, MTVV (Maximum Transient Vibration Value) and VDV (Vibration Dose Value). All these parameters with Wm frequency weighting (ISO 2631-2:2003).
Product Highlights:
» Type 1 sound level meter
» Real time spectrum analyser in octave bands and one-third octave bands
» Measures all parameters simultaneously with frequency weightings A, C and Z
» One single range
» Measurement of human exposure to whole-body vibration in buildings (ISO 2631-2)
Applications for VC431:
» Vibration measurements: Vibration can be understood as repetitive oscillations or movements of an object around a position of equilibrium. It may be divided into desired and undesired vibration.
Supplied accessories:
» FNS-030: Case
» PVM-05: Wind screen
» SFT030: Cesva Capture Studio software
» CN1US: USB cable with mini-USB connector
Standard Regulation:
» EN ISO 8041:2005 Vibrometer
» ISO 8041:2005/Cor1:2007 Vibrometer
Product :