MULTI PERSADA, Distributor peralatan laboratorium lingkungan dan perlatan pengujian kendaraan bermotor, berbagai produk dan model kami tampilkan didalam website sini.

Adapun produk Laboratorium Lingkungan meliputi :

Laboratorium Air : Water Test Kits, pH meters, Ion meters, ORP meters (Redox), Conductivity meters, Dissolved oxygen meters (DO), Hygrometers, Salinity, Turbidity, Thermometers, total Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solid, Spectro, Photometer, BOD COD, Thermoreactor. dll

Laboratorium Udara : Alat Uji Emisi Kendaraan , Alat Uji Emisi Cerobong Pabrik , Genset Boiler , Ketel Uap dan Turbin , HVAC , Alat Ukur Debu , Portable Gas detector , Indoor Air Quality , High Volume Air Sampler , Anemometer, Anemomaster , Climomaster , Airflow Meter , Air Velocity , Hotwire Anemomaster. dll

Laboratorium Suara/Kebisingan : Noise Meter, Dosimeter , Sound Level Meter , Sound Analyzer .

Laboratorium Getaran: Vibro meter , , Triaxlial Vibration, Monoxial Vibration.

Laboratorium Tanah: Soil Test Kits, pH, Lime requirement, Nitrate Nitrogen, Phosphate Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Ammonia Nitrogen, Chloride, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Sulphate, Conductivity, Alat Pemantuan Sumur Resapan

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For detection of coliforms at site. Methods for high level and for presence/absence available. Detection time from 15 minutes
  • Rapid test for fecal contamination (thermotolerant coliforms)
  • All includedin onecase
  • Earlywarningfor contamination: 15 minutes
  • Time to result (bacterial number): 2 hours
  • Easyto use, noskill requirement
  • Testing at site (12V)
  • Rapid screening for contamination sources
  • Increasedcontrol of environmental water
  • Increased control ofwastewater
  • Increased control of cleanwater
  • Readinessand reputation
  • Low cost per test
Download Brochure Download
Component list:
1 Colifast Micro Detector with storage pouch
Dia : 12,5 X 19,5 X 5,0 cm, Weight 0,5kg with cover 9,0 X 18,5 X 3,5 cm, Weight 0,4kg in it self
1 incubator with thermometer. 220V, 44 oC
Dia : 17,0 X 15,0 X 30,5 cm, weight 1,5kg
1 car conventer 12V - 220V
Dia : 11,6 X 9,7 X 5,5 cm, weight 0,8kg

Reagent list:
18 prefilled vials with Colifast 6 medium (tests)
2 dropper bottles with 0,5M NaOH solution (developer)
1 vial with"blank" (calibration)
1 vial with "cal 48" (calibration)
1 dropper bottle with 10% Na-thiosulfate solution (chloride neutralization)
Colifast CaseOther consumables :
100 cuvettes (disposable)
100 cuvettes cup (disposable)
1 cuvette rack
20 large paqstettes for sub-sampling (3ml graded, one for each test)
3 sterile 10ml syringes for addition of water sample (can be reused after wash)
4 bags of virkon. For disinfection
2 sterile filters. For control samples fits on syringe
20 ampules coliform
Dia: 2,5 X 6,0 X 1,0 cm
Additional item :
1 quick guide
10 result sheets
Extra info
Case: Dia: 32,0 X 46,0 X 26,0 cm, weight 3kg
Refill test untuk 100 test , terdiri dari:
Reagent list : 18 prefilled vials with Colifast 6 medium (tests)
2 dropper bottles with 0,5M NaOH solution (developer)
1 vial with"blank" (calibration)
1 vial with "cal 48" (calibration)
1 dropper bottle with 10% Na-thiosulfate solution (chloride neutralization)
Other consumables:
100 cuvettes (disposable)
100 cuvettes cup (disposable)
1 cuvette rack
20 large paqstettes for sub-sampling (3ml graded, one for each test)
3 sterile 10ml syringes for addition of water sample (can be reused after wash)
4 bags of virkon. For disinfection
2 sterile filters. For control samples fits on syringe
Product :