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Adapun produk Laboratorium Lingkungan meliputi :

Laboratorium Air : Water Test Kits, pH meters, Ion meters, ORP meters (Redox), Conductivity meters, Dissolved oxygen meters (DO), Hygrometers, Salinity, Turbidity, Thermometers, total Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solid, Spectro, Photometer, BOD COD, Thermoreactor. dll

Laboratorium Udara : Alat Uji Emisi Kendaraan , Alat Uji Emisi Cerobong Pabrik , Genset Boiler , Ketel Uap dan Turbin , HVAC , Alat Ukur Debu , Portable Gas detector , Indoor Air Quality , High Volume Air Sampler , Anemometer, Anemomaster , Climomaster , Airflow Meter , Air Velocity , Hotwire Anemomaster. dll

Laboratorium Suara/Kebisingan : Noise Meter, Dosimeter , Sound Level Meter , Sound Analyzer .

Laboratorium Getaran: Vibro meter , , Triaxlial Vibration, Monoxial Vibration.

Laboratorium Tanah: Soil Test Kits, pH, Lime requirement, Nitrate Nitrogen, Phosphate Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Ammonia Nitrogen, Chloride, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Sulphate, Conductivity, Alat Pemantuan Sumur Resapan

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Home » , » Kimo Instruments KIRAY 100 , KIRAY 200 ,KIRAY 300

Kimo Instruments KIRAY 100 , KIRAY 200 ,KIRAY 300


From -50 to +800°C
A key tool to measure surface temperatures of hot objects, dangerous or difficult to access.
Download KIRAY 100 Download
Supplied in case holster.
Technical data
  • Spectral response : 8 - 14 µm
  • Optical : 20:1
  • Dual laser sighting : wave lenght : from 630 nm-670 mm
  • Emissivity : adjustable de 0.10 à 1.00 (pre-seat at 0.95)
  • High/low alarm

Thermometer Kiray 200 A key tool to measure surface temperatures of hot objects, dangerous or difficult to access. Thanks to its elabored optical system, it allows an accurate measurement of little distant target.
From -50 to +850°C
Download KIRAY 200 Download
Supplied in case holster and K thermocouple probe.
Technical data
  • Spectral response : 8 - 14 µm
  • Optical : 30:1
  • Laser sighting : wave lenght 630-670 nm
  • Emissivity : adjustable from 0.10 to 1.00 (pre-set at 0.95)
  • High/low alarm    

    Kimo Instruments KIRAY 300 
    Sebuah alat utama untuk mengukur suhu permukaan benda panas, berbahaya atau sulit diakses. Berkat sistem elabored optik, memungkinkan pengukuran akurat dari target jauh sedikit.
    Kisaran suhu: dari -50 ° C hingga 1850 ° C
    Spektral respon: 8 - 14 pM, Optical: 50:1, Laser ganda penampakan: panjang gelombang 630-670 nm
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