MULTI PERSADA, Distributor peralatan laboratorium lingkungan dan perlatan pengujian kendaraan bermotor, berbagai produk dan model kami tampilkan didalam website sini.

Adapun produk Laboratorium Lingkungan meliputi :

Laboratorium Air : Water Test Kits, pH meters, Ion meters, ORP meters (Redox), Conductivity meters, Dissolved oxygen meters (DO), Hygrometers, Salinity, Turbidity, Thermometers, total Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solid, Spectro, Photometer, BOD COD, Thermoreactor. dll

Laboratorium Udara : Alat Uji Emisi Kendaraan , Alat Uji Emisi Cerobong Pabrik , Genset Boiler , Ketel Uap dan Turbin , HVAC , Alat Ukur Debu , Portable Gas detector , Indoor Air Quality , High Volume Air Sampler , Anemometer, Anemomaster , Climomaster , Airflow Meter , Air Velocity , Hotwire Anemomaster. dll

Laboratorium Suara/Kebisingan : Noise Meter, Dosimeter , Sound Level Meter , Sound Analyzer .

Laboratorium Getaran: Vibro meter , , Triaxlial Vibration, Monoxial Vibration.

Laboratorium Tanah: Soil Test Kits, pH, Lime requirement, Nitrate Nitrogen, Phosphate Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Ammonia Nitrogen, Chloride, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Sulphate, Conductivity, Alat Pemantuan Sumur Resapan

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Home » , » Sound Level Meter DB100 & SDA

Sound Level Meter DB100 & SDA

Sound Level Meter DB100 & SDA
DB 100 sound level meter is reliable, easy to use and in accordance with metrology requirements.
Download DB100 & SDA
Sound-pressure level:
Time averaged or equivalent continuous sound pressure level
  • Time averaged sound level LAeq:
  • To be used for fluctuating sound sources.
  • Time averaged sound level (LAeq) unit is dBA with a
    programmable integration time in minutes and seconds.
  • IEC 61672-1 Class 2 /
  • IEC 60651 Class 2 / IEC 60804 Class 2
Technical data
  • Measured parameters: LA and LAeq
  • Other displayed parameters: LAFmax, LAFmin, LASmax , LASmin
  • Frequency weighting: A
  • Measuring range: 30-130 dB
  • Time weighting: slow, fast
  • Data integration time for LAeq: from 1s to 15 min
  • Overload indicator: detected at the peak sound-pressure level
  • Backlighted display: graphic 128x64 pixels.
  • Adjustable contrast.
  • Resolution: 0,1 dB
  • Reference direction: microphone axis
  • Reference range: 30 - 130 dB
  • Reference level: 94 dB
  • Reference frequency: 1000 Hz
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