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Adapun produk Laboratorium Lingkungan meliputi :

Laboratorium Air : Water Test Kits, pH meters, Ion meters, ORP meters (Redox), Conductivity meters, Dissolved oxygen meters (DO), Hygrometers, Salinity, Turbidity, Thermometers, total Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solid, Spectro, Photometer, BOD COD, Thermoreactor. dll

Laboratorium Udara : Alat Uji Emisi Kendaraan , Alat Uji Emisi Cerobong Pabrik , Genset Boiler , Ketel Uap dan Turbin , HVAC , Alat Ukur Debu , Portable Gas detector , Indoor Air Quality , High Volume Air Sampler , Anemometer, Anemomaster , Climomaster , Airflow Meter , Air Velocity , Hotwire Anemomaster. dll

Laboratorium Suara/Kebisingan : Noise Meter, Dosimeter , Sound Level Meter , Sound Analyzer .

Laboratorium Getaran: Vibro meter , , Triaxlial Vibration, Monoxial Vibration.

Laboratorium Tanah: Soil Test Kits, pH, Lime requirement, Nitrate Nitrogen, Phosphate Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Ammonia Nitrogen, Chloride, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Sulphate, Conductivity, Alat Pemantuan Sumur Resapan

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Home » » Portable Industrial Gas Analyzer Selection Guide Model E5500

Portable Industrial Gas Analyzer Selection Guide Model E5500

Portable Industrial Gas Analyzer Selection Guide Model E5500
Providing the latest in Combustion Gas & Emissions Analyzers for Boiler, Engine, Furnace, and other Combustion Applications
Alat Uji Emisi Cerobong Pabrik, seperti Boiler, Furnace, Genset dan Mesin Industri lainnya
The E5500 is the most powerful and advanced portable gas analyzer on the market, and is a complete, portable tool for EPA compliance–level emissions monitoring.
The LCD display screen has a back light and can be rotated for greater ease and convenience. The parameters displayed can be zoomed in to view from a distance or zoomed out for more parameters at once on the display screen.
Wireless Remote Printer: The E5500 has an optional wireless remote thermal printer for convenient, simple, and easy use to print real-time in the field or at a later time for saved tests and data.
Low NOx and True NOx: The E5500 can be configured with low range NOx gas sensors with 0.1 ppm resolution and greater accuracy for low NOx concentration measurements. True NOx, with direct measurements of both NO and NO2, is available with the E5500

Internal Data memory: An extensive internal memory (up to 1000 tests) allows for data storage of all measured & calculated parameters. The memory can also be utilized for programmable longer term data storage.
Draft, Pressure and Velocity: An internal pressure sensor allows the analyzer to measure pressure and stack draft. With two pressure inputs, a differential pressure can also be measured. Gas velocity can be measured using the differential pressure and an optional Pitot tube.

Rotating Display with zoom: The LCD display screen has a back light and can be rotated for greater ease and convenience. The parameters displayed can be zoomed in to view from a distance or zoomed out for more parameters at once on the display screen.
Calibration: The analyzer comes standard with a complete factory calibration. The analyzer can easily be recalibrated with span gas cylinders. Recalibration is recommended at least once each year to ensure analyzer accuracy.
Temperature: measurements for the flue gas and air as well as the differential temperature are standard features. The differential temperature is used as part of the efficiency calculation
Featur Alat E5500:
  • Up to 5 Gas Sensors:
  • O2, CO, NO, NO2, SO2 (Electrochemical)
  • Low NOx and “True” NOx Measurements
  • Wireless Remote Printer
  • Draft & Differential Pressure Measurement
  • Two Channel Thermometer
    (for stack gas & air temperature)
  • External Water Trap Assembly
  • Software for Real–Time Data Logging, Graphing, and Reporting
  • Wireless Communications with Computer & other Windows Devices
  • CO Dilution Auto–Range for Measurements up to 20,000ppm
  • Long–Term Monitoring and Data Logging with Internal Memory
  • Gas Velocity Measurements with Pitot Tube
  • CO2%, Efficiency, & Excess Air Calculations
  • Rotating LCD Display
  • Light Weight, Durable, & Easy to Transport Design
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